ArtMultisensorySmellSoundTasteTouch/Feel/TextureTrendyVisual We invite you to interact with and absorb everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell” | Miami’s Community News
ArtMultisensorySmellSoundTechnologyTrendyVisual Interactive & multisensory installations | Marketing Interactive
ArtMultisensoryTouch/Feel/TextureTrendyVisual ‘Legally Blonde’ Writer Co-Creates Holiday Pop-Up Museum | Hollywood Reporter
ArtEmotionsEntertainmentExperientialMultisensoryMultisensory ServicesSmellVisual What do the arts smell like? Burlington company Alice & the Magician adds scents to events | Burlington Free Press
ArtEntertainmentInterestingMultisensorySoundTouch/Feel/TextureTrendyVisual A multisensory electronic music experience |
ArtBrandingMarketingMultisensorySoundTouch/Feel/TextureTrendyVisual Multisensory experiential, immersive & interactive experience including art installation, exclusive merchandise & Rapper Nas | Marketing Daily
ArtEmotionsInterestingMemoryMultisensorySmellVisual Sissel Tolaas goes nose-on with the whole world | Engadget
ArtExperientialMultisensoryTechnologyVisual A multisensory Van Gogh experience at new Brussels exhibition | Lonely Planet
ArtInterestingMultisensorySmellVisual Scented Sight: A special set of paints for visually impaired artists | DNA India
ArtTouch/Feel/Texture Sculptures perceived exclusively through touch, rather than sight | Times of Malta
ArtInterestingMultisensoryScientificSoundTechnologyVisual New digital art exhibition questions how all things connect and interact using fans and motion sensors to keep the artwork ever-changing using fans and motion sensors to keep the artwork ever-changing | The Mail
ArtMultisensorySmellTechnologyVisual MFA student exhibition merges STEM, art to explore consciousness through senses | Daily Bruin
ArtEntertainmentMultisensorySmellSoundVisual An Immersive, Multi-Sensory Installation, in a “Mysterious” Site, Is Coming to Sydney | Broadsheet
ArtBrandingExperientialInterestingMultisensorySmellSoundTrendyVisual Architecture You Can Smell? A Brief History of Multisensory Design | Metropolis Mag
ArtScientificVisual Science connects with drawings and paintings in this South Texas College exhibit | The
ArtEducationExperientialInterestingMultisensorySmellSoundTouch/Feel/TextureVisual Interactive Multisensory London Art Installation Designed to Make You Cry (with menthol) | Mental Floss
ArtEntertainmentInterestingMultisensorySmellSoundTasteTrendyVisual Harry Parr on Designing MultiSensory Experiences and Starting a Business You’re Truly Passionate About | Core77
ArtMultisensorySmellSoundTouch/Feel/TextureTrendyVisual London Design Biennale offers sensory world exploration | THE DAILY STAR
ArtEmotionsMemoryMultisensorySmellTouch/Feel/TextureVisual Fall Arts: Emily Lawrence, Scratch & Sniff Menu at The Craig Gallery | The Coast
ArtEntertainmentExperientialMultisensorySmellSoundTasteVisual A multisensory gastronomic theatre experience that is ‘bold and satisfying’ | The stage
ArtEntertainmentMultisensorySoundTasteTechnologyTouch/Feel/TextureTrendyVisual Multifaceted festival that combines art, sound, technology and taste into a surreal sensory journey | Markets Insider
ArtMultisensorySoundTouch/Feel/TextureVisual Interactive exhibition “synescape: please touch” | News VietNamNet
ArtEmotionsMultisensorySmellTrendyVisual The art of scent: Chandler Burr on the most unheralded of artistic mediums | The Globe & Mail
ArtEducationMultisensorySmellVisual Teaching a bunch of visually impaired kids to paint by recognising each colour by its unique smell |
ArtArtificial IntelligenceAugmented + virtual realityEntertainmentSoundTechnologyVisual Where hyper-reality and virtual reality meet in a live, multi-sensory experience with immersive technologies
ArtCustomized Multi-Sensory CompositionsExperientialMultisensoryTouch/Feel/TextureVisual Immersive exhibitions are everywhere, but do they really benefit the local arts scene? – San Diego CityBeat
ArtExperientialMultisensoryTouch/Feel/TextureVisual Belaya Trost Experiential Advert By Possible: Braille Art | Ads of the World™
ArtEntertainmentMultisensorySoundTouch/Feel/TextureTrendyVisual Multi-sensory collaboration by artists | Punchline
ArtEmotionsInterestingMultisensorySmellTrendy Scent Club: The Berlin Art Collective Obsessed with Smells
ArtInterestingMultisensoryTrendy Deprivation of light, sound, gravity — the Internet, society, your pants — makes for a rejuvenating experience. |
ArtEntertainmentInterestingMultisensorySoundTechnologyTouch/Feel/TextureTrendyVisual A Multi-Sensory Sound Art Festival Aims to Expand the Ear