Augmented + virtual realityHapticTouch/Feel/Texture Experience a Full-Body Haptic VR Suit with Teslasuit | TechAcute
Augmented + virtual realityHealthTechnology Augmented reality in surgery: World’s first “real” holographically navigated spine surgery |
Augmented + virtual realityTasteVisual New Augmented Reality System Helps Manipulate Taste Perception of Food | Azorobotics
Augmented + virtual realityInterestingScientific Do androids dream of electric fish? Some fish use electricity to SENSE THINGS FROM FAR AWAY | SYFY
Augmented + virtual realityHapticTechnologyTouch/Feel/Texture Getting a Feel for Haptics. How haptics takes advantage of our… | by Ahmad Shams | The Startup | Medium
Augmented + virtual realityTechnology Can virtual working move beyond clumsy Zoom calls? | RetailWire
Augmented + virtual realityMarketingMultisensorySmellTouch/Feel/TextureVisual Peak experience: Bulgari’s virtual reality fragrance experiment is pretty cool | Wallpaper
Augmented + virtual realityInteresting Canadian grocer lets shoppers browse and click virtual aisles | Grocery Dive
Augmented + virtual reality The Next Stage in the Financial Revolution: AR and VR Solutions | AlleyWatch
Augmented + virtual realityHapticMultisensoryTouch/Feel/Texture This glove helps you ‘touch’ virtual reality | Somag News
Augmented + virtual realityHealthInteresting Albemarle County assisted living facility aims to combat loneliness | CBS19News
Augmented + virtual realityEducation How VR Will Accelerate Talent Learning and Development | Entrepreneur
Augmented + virtual realityCommunicationInterestingTechnology Covid-19 pandemic has created a tipping point for what workers expect of the future digital office | Computer Wekkly
Augmented + virtual realityEntertainmentMultisensory Immersive experiences | layered reality, artainment & more | blooloop
Augmented + virtual realityTechnology Are immersive technologies ready to build online buying trust? | RetailWire
Augmented + virtual realityEducation Augmented or virtual reality in defence: Revolutionising military missions | The Financial Express
Augmented + virtual realityHealthMultisensory VR Use in Gaming Has Medical Researchers’ Attention | Medical Daily
Augmented + virtual realityHapticTouch/Feel/Texture A virtual reality game that integrates tactile experiences using biometric feedback | Techxplore
Augmented + virtual realityHapticTouch/Feel/Texture Sense of touch for VR is arriving now, with attached hype | Digital Journal