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Herb border planted with thyme, chives, sage and mint, among others CREDIT: GAPPHOTOS.COM

Garden or no garden, I encourage everyone to grow more herbs for ornamental value, nutrition and cooking. Many are so easy and so beautiful it’s actual madness our streets aren’t lined with them for free picking. Standing among my herbs on a warm day, engulfed in their deep dry scents, bees and butterflies whirling about, I feel a connection to the earth.

To bulk up your herbs, buy online (try or, and keep plants well watered through their first summer.

I love creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum), because it spreads and smothers weeds but is also easy to divide. One pot of chives can be divided into four to dot about, with welcome edible flowers. Camomile…

Source: Why everyone should grow herbs for flavour and scent – all year round | The Telegraph