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The jail that “smelled like space station,” citing the combination of “antiseptic, garbage, and body odor” that triggered his sense-memory

In an interview with Wired published Monday, Kelly went into detail about what its really like up there. He talked about the things he missed, and what got under his skin.

“[M]ostly what you miss is people,” he said. “Friends and family. And weather. Even just the wind, rain, sun, going outside.” A surprising comparison came when Kelly recounted a tour of Harris County Jail.

The sense of smell has long been connected to memory, and Kelly says he encountered a room at the jail that “smelled like space station,” citing the combination of “antiseptic, garbage, and body odor” that triggered his sense-memory. In space, even smell tends to float, so it can linger long after it would have dispersed on Earth

Source: Scott Kelly Details His Year in Space and What Got Under His Skin | Rare