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How the Emotions of Others Influence Our Olfactory Sense

A new study reveals the emotional expression on other people’s faces can influence whether we perceive an odor in a positive or negative light.

The emotional facial expression of others influences how positive or negative we perceive an odour. The basis of this effect seems to be the activity of a brain area that is relevant for smelling and is activated even before we perceive an odour. This is what neuropsychologists at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum found out. They published their findings in the Journal Scientific Reports. “When we see someone that makes a face, because a bad smell stings his nose, the same odour appears to be unpleasant for us as well,” says Dr Patrick Schulze, one of the authors.

Source: How the Emotions of Others Influence Our Olfactory Sense – Neuroscience News