“I'll be a Quebecker-Canadian. I'm from Quebec, and every time I go to a country, I say that. It's my roots, my origins, and it's the most important thing to me.
Celine Dion
“All of us in Quebec - and I mean all of us - have allowed language to become a preoccupation that works to the disadvantage of all of us - and I mean all of us.
Richard Pound
“Secessionists, whether in Scotland, Catalonia, Quebec or anywhere else, invariably assume that a person must either be Scottish or British, Catalan or Spanish, Quebecois or Canadian. What about those who feel they are both?
Michael Ignatieff
“In Quebec, we're less inhibited artistically, culturally, politically. We're less focused on box office and comparing our films to the American films.
Philippe Falardeau
“Je suis Québécois, Canadien, citoyen du monde, humain
Dr. Luke J.W. Haffenden